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Seva Foundation Opening Ceremony

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Below are the initial programs conducted by our Seva Foundation.

Our heartful thanks to all donors, foundation members, and others who helped us to successfully complete these programs.

Opening Cermoney of SF

The establishment of SEVA FOUNDATION SKP took place on 11th October 2016 by the Physical Handicapped children, Orphans and Devotees of Lord Shiva. In this picture you can see the President and Founder of Seva Foundation Shankarpally, Mr. R.Naresh Kumar (Satish Kumar), Vice President Mr.C.Jairam Reddy, General Secretary Mr. N.Vishweshwar Rao, 16th Ward Member Smt. M.Nagamani and the Foundation members.

Dharma Kartha Award at Koti Depotsavam

Mr. R.Naresh Kumar has been honored with an Award for his work for Development of ancient temple "Chandippa Marakath Shivaling Someshwara Swamy" by the Hon’ble Justice Mr.Ram Mohan Rao, High Court of Telangana and Andhrapradesh and also by the Hon’ble Minister Paidikondala Manik Rao, AP Endowment Department Minister in the year 2015 at NTR Gardens of Hyderabad on the occasion of Koti Deepotsavam.

Best Social Worker Award

After the formation of Telangana state Mr.R.Naresh Kumar (Satish Kumar) has been honored with "Uthama Samaja Seva Purskaram Prathibha" award by Hon’ble MLA Sri.Kale Yadaiah, Chevella Constituency on 02/06/2016.

Kala Nilayam Seva Award

Mr.R.Naresh Kumar, the founder of Seva Foundation, Shankarpally has been honored with a memento by the Hon’ble CBI Justice Sri. Naga Magamaruthi Sharma Sponsored by Kala Nilayam (Hyd) for Re-Construction and Development of the Marakatha Shiva Linga temple in Chandippa village of Shankarpally Manda

Distribution of Clothes to Orphans

Seva foundation distributed uniforms to the students of Day Spring Orphanage at Ervaguda village Shankarpally mandal, With the help of donor Krishna sir.

Monthly donation to poor handicapped students

Seva Foundation donating Rs.1500/- every month for Auto Charges to the Physically Handicapped children of Govt School Shankarpally, With the help of Seva Foundation members.

Donating money to poor family

Seva Foundation donated Rs.14000/- to the parents of Mahender (3 Years), (Mr.Bhikshapathi – father) who is suffering from lung disease. . Doners :- Seva Foundation Founder Mr.R.Naresh Kumar, Teacher Smt. R.Kalavathi, UPS Kokapet Govt School – 3500, 16th SKP Ward member Smt. M.Nagamani – 6000, Mr.Hanmanth Reddy – 3000, Sub-Inspector of Police Kranthi Kumar – 2000 and Home Guard Mr.Nageshwar Reddy – 500.

Swamy Vivekananda Jayanthi Cellebrations

SevaFoundation distributed sarees to the Gram Panchayath workers on the celebration of Swamy Vivekananda Jayanthi at Vivekananda High School Shankarpally, With the help of the donor Mr.Patel and Seva Foundation team.

Army Day Cellebrations

Seva Foundation invited Mr.Shikhamani ( Indian Jawan) who participated in Kargil war for the celebration of Army Day on 14th January 2017 at Vivekananda High School Shankarpally and distributed sarees to poor people With help of donors BJP MPTC Sri. B.Ramulu Goud and the Seva Foundation team.

Repablic Day Celebrations 2016

2017 Republic Day has been celebrated at Seva Foundation office. Flag hoisted by Ms.Naresh Kumar (Seva Foundation President)

Peace Movement Rally

On February 4th 2017 Seva Foundation conducted peace movement along with Little Star School students. Regarding the absence of shankarpally govt PHC hospital 2nd doctor. Gave the memorandum to the shankarpally MRO Saritha.

Seva Foundation Helped To Get Rs.5 Laks Cheque

Seva Foundation President Mr. R.Naresh Kumar contributed his service to provide 5 lakh rupees cheque through Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri. KCR to late Sri. G.Devender’s wife Smt. G. Pavani, who scarified for the Telangana state.

Seva Foundation
Anniversary Funvtions

Iftaar party given by Seva Foundation

Seva Foundation given Iftar Party to muslim brothers on the occasion of Ramadan.

Stage Constructed By R.Naresh worth of Rs.50000

Seva foundation president R.Narest kumar & family members constructed a stage at Sharphoddin Baba Darga, 16th ward, shankarpally. in memory of Sri.Late Sailu (Father of Naresh Kumar).

Plantation By Seva Foundation on Environment Day

Seva Foundation team participated in tree plantation at Post Office, shankarpally. On the occasion of “World environment day” on June 5th 2017.

Distribution of college bags to orphanage

College bags were distributed by Seva Foundation team to Day Spring Orphanage at Ervaguda village.

Helping to orphan women

Seva Foundation helped to Afzal Bee (70 Years old), living alone at 6th ward in Shankarpally.

Closing Opened Borewell

Unused open bore well was closed by SF team at Sangareddy road in Shankarpally.

Prostration againest unused toilets

Protestation conducted by the Seva Foundation team regarding the un used toilets since 2 years at Bustation Shankarpally.

Dharna on road for library

Dharna on the road side by Seva Foundation team regarding the library issue of absconding of the librarian since 2 years.

Giving memorandam to RDO for Library

Handed the memorandum to RDO chevella regarding the Library by SF team.

Hunger Strike For Govt Hospital Doctor Absence

For the first time in the history of Shankarpally, The Hunger strike conducted by SF President Mr.R.Nareshkumar regarding the absconding of 2nd doctor since 2 years.

Distribution Of Umbrellas To Roadside Business People

Seva Foundation distributed the umbrellas to poor people in rainy season with the help of a donor Mr.MVSN.Vijaykumar, Hyderabad.

Distribution Of Water Bottles To Handicapped Students

Seva Foundation President supplied water bottles supplied to the students of Govt physical handicapped school at Shankarpally.

Helping a student who injured in accident

A poor student who lost his 2 hands in a road accident immediately saved and was admitted to the hospital. Rs.87000 donated to his family with the help of donors and SF members.

Helping a women who injured in fire accident

Seva Foundation Stretched the hands for the women injured in fire accident at Shankarpally.

Appointment of 2nd doctor with efforts of SF

After conducting rallies, hunger strike and made a complaint to Hon’ble Minister KTR, at the last the DM&HO had appointed Dr.Prashamsa as 2nd doctor at PHC Shankarpally.
